Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

school time.

hello bloggers, I wanna tell you what happened today in my school.

in the morning, for me that was really worse day. why? because I was late to come to school. I was run with Amy because she was late,too :D when I've arrived in my class, my teacher Mr. Singgih said that we've to study in the garden besides my school's hall.yayaya so I've to go down again and when otw there I was grumbling and said "ini guru gatau apaya gue cape abis lari2" haha but no problem because that's for my future *ea*

in the second lesson, I really badmood? because someone made me so badmood, who else? u know lah :p in this lesson I just got badmood.

in the third lesson, I really feel so sleepy and I need time to sleep. but my teacher gave us lattice for our final-examination. after that my class got free time and it's mean time to?sleep. so I was sleep in this lesson but I got up because someone implode a glass of aqua. shit.

-break time-
this was the funny things happened. I can't speak in english now.
wawan tiba2 ngasih hape Jason ke Abie bilang "umpetin2 cepet!" lalu Jason keluar kelas dengan muka panik karna hapenya ilang. udah pada ketawa2 aja tuh anak2 ngeliat jason kebingungan, yaaa gimanaya namanya juga anak muda kadang seneng liat yg lain sengsara huahaha. continue... jason udh diceng2in ajatuh "hapenya di Bena, ambil dewek dah tuh" oiya sebelum kejadian ini, ada seseorang gitudeeeeeeeeh ngomong "dulu 7 skrg 8 jadi maunya apaya? saya bingung" nyindir gue gara2 gue sempet ngetweet ttg nomer 8. kayaknya gue gapernah nyindir loe deh~ haha no problem lah, I will not start to fight if you didn't start it first :-)
lanjut. akhirnya hapenya jason dibalikin, and then the bell is ringing.

in the fourth lesson, males sih jelasinnya. dibikin badmood lg sama orang yg sama. taudah maunya paan wkwk. pokoknya pelajaran ke4 ulangan dan salah gue 2stengah. shit wkwk

that's all about today. bye.

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