Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Just read it~


I'm back to tell a story 'bout me and my old friends. Yap like usually~

Gue kangen banget banget super duper tingkat dewanya dewa sama Bena sama Lijek. My day isn't complete without them! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I REALLY WANT THEM BACK TO ME! I can't hold this tears anymore. Just because a little problem they're so far from me. OH GOD!! I can't stand in this situation.

By the way, I've asked question to my friends "menurut lo gimana kalo persahabatan lo ancur gara2 hal sepele?"

Someone answered: "persahabatan gk bakal ancur gara2 masalah sepele, kalo emg ancur berarti itu bukan persahabatan"
Someone answered: "tergantung karna apa, kalo karna cowo yg lo suka tp sahabat lo gk suka berarti lo harus bisa milih yg mana yg bener. tp kalo lo cuma deket sama cowo yg sahabat lo gk suka mending lo jauhin cowo itu sebelum lo suka"

I'm a bitchy bitchy girl! Fuck off my life. Bitch go away from their life. Bitch just ruin everything.

B&L will never know that I'm missing them now.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Me and My Old (best)friends ;')


Gue mau sedikit curhat tentang kehidupan gue sama old (best)friends gue :P
Gapake inisial inisial an ya, lgsg frontal aja okeh!

Jadi tuh ya gue sama Benazia Arsyi Syafira, Fanny Friscariani, Elisa Priscilla sama Carissa Ayu Widyadara dari kelas 8 tuh dekeeet banget, abis itu kita semua punya unek2 sama Carissa, pas kita udah kasih tau Carissanya malah gimanaa gitu. Tp giliran gk di kasih tauuuu kalo kita nyindir dibilangnya kampung norak gaberani ngomong langsung duh jadi serba salah kan hahahaha.

Wajar lah ya kalo orang punya unek2 sama orang lain, apa perlu gue panggil uya kuya? HAHA.

Abis itu kelas 9 semester 2 awal, gue ber5 jadi jauh sama Carissa. Carissa juga jarang main sama kita dan dia mainnya sama Kathelyn sama Beby~ Yaudahlah akhirnya kita main ber4.
Dan sekarang...................dari kita ber4 tuh kebagi 2! Bena sama Lijek gue sama Fanny. Kalo istirahat sih engga tp kalo udah masalah nongkrong tuh gue sama Fanny udah kaya dilupain sama Bena sama Lijek. Tp mungkin itu perasaan gue doang kali ya, tp kalo perasaan gue doang tuh kok kayaknya gk mungkin ya?-_- akhirnya Tadi istirahat ke 1-3 gue ngomongin ini sama bena sama lijek tanpa bawa2 fanny. Biarin aja si Fanny emang kampredh wkwk.
Akhirnya di istirahat ke 3 masalah gue selesai sama mereka ber 2, terus pas pulang sekolah, gue udah biasa aja sama mereka tp mereka malah kaya gk anggep gue gituh, biasalah teman tak dianggap ~,~ tp gue coba terus kan buat cari topik sama mereka, trs tiba2 hape gue ada sms dari bang Mamet blg " gue di wartas nih" karna Bena sama Lijek bilang gasuka kalo gue suka nongkrong yaudah gue bales aja "gue gk boleh main" padahal disitu gue gatau pulang sama siapa, kalo misalkan gue ikut mereka main kan gue seneng terus dapet tumpangan wkwkwk.

Gue pikir mereka ber2 bakal ngajak gue sama Fanny ke wartas, taunya kagak -_- ngomong aja enggak sama gue sama Fanny sabar ya sho T_T . Pas mereka pergi, fanny nanya gue " kok kita tidak di ajak? " gue gatau tuh mau bilang apaan, gue pura2 bengong&pura2 gk denger aja trs fanny nanya lg kaya gitu, yaudah gue jawab "mana gue tau"
sebenernya gue gk pengen join bareng ya cuma seenggaknya ngajak gitu walaupun gue sama Fanny gabisa. Ya mikir lah kenapa gue sama fanny gk bisa. Pikir orang tua gue sama fanny gk ngebolehin kenapa. haha maaf ya ben jek gue cuma ngeluarin unek2 wkwk

Love u Ben, Jek! MMMWAAAAHHH♥

Senin, 24 Januari 2011



hari ini tepatnya sore ini gue mau galau2 ria duluya^^
sumpah gue gatau harus curhat kesiapa, skrg temen curhat gue sendiri, org yg bener2 gue percayaaaa udah bener2 gatau kemana. Main sih tetep bareng, cuma gue gatau dia kemana setiap gue mau ngomong sesuatu. Pleaseeeeeeeee gue butuh lo semmm! Gue mau lo yg dulu. Sebenernya bukan cuma lo, tp semuanya! S-E-M-U-A !! yaAllah gue gatau harus gimana lg, apa sikap gue yg salah?! Gue nanya gue berubah knp gk ada yg jawab, susah bgt sih kalo ngomong gue berubah kenapa. Sakit hati bgt gue jadinya, sedih gapunya temen. Sediiih bgt!

Lo pada kemana? Mana ks? Mana Bena? Mana Fanny? Mana Lijek? Mana anak2 ks yg dulu?

Banyak yg bilang ks bakal tetep ada walaupun Banli di singapore, tp mana buktinya?
I don't need ur words, prove it if u really mean it! Seems like I'm alone, I don't have ks. I don't have anyone except God!

I wish all of you were here with me, got our happiness together, spend our time together.
I just want all of us play together! ALL OF US! I just want the old ks, enough. I can't keep this tears to not fall down, but I CAN'T!!!!!

if I can scream out loud, I WILL DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

"gue coba jalani hari2 tanpa lo lagi, gue pengen bebas lg pengen nongkrong lg gk pengen ribet mikirin elo.........lg"

Gudbye Anjing is the best song for me now, it shows what I feel!

"dan gue coba biasain diri tanpa lo lg gue pengen nyantai lg selow selow lg gak pengen kecewa lg"

That's all what I wanna say. Thanks.

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Interested with somethin' new

hello all~

What do you think if I'll be an author? not like Andrea hirata, just do somethin' in my spare time.
I got interested to make some short story, it seems like funny things to do, I wanna try it but I'm afraid when I do it, it don't have the end (-_-)

Pray for me ;)
Wish me luck guys!!!!!!!

Love ya :*
Aqsha ^^

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011


Hai I'm back to post something.

it's about my fckn' love story HAHAHA.
Friday, january 14th 2011 I'm fallin' love with someone, he's................................. I'll not mention his name. When I told to my "bestfriend" Bena, she asked someone to get his information.
Something that made me so shocked was "he's a playboy" just what the fuck!

I tought that maybe there's no handsome boy that will always faithful with girl in this world :'(
My heart seems like feel the pain, wanna cry but I think it's not the best thing that I've to do. As far as I know if a girl cries for a boy it means the girl love him so much so.... is it mean that I love him? Love is different with like.

I don't want to fall in love with him but I can't! My heart force me to love him, it seems like he's the best for me :(

Please, I just wanna have some dialogues with you. It's enough! I don't want you to be mine, have a conversation with you is enough :')

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011


Today, I'll post something about Irfan Haarys Bachdim "again" ;P

I don't know why, I can't stop think 'bout him! I'm too addicted with him! It seems like he's a half of my life after God&Family. I really love him. My friends think it's really excessive but not for me. This is the real me! I can't help myself when I'm addicted to someone. Irfan Bachdim is the one of them ^o^ I can't ignore this feeling. This feeling is really make me going crazy!!!!!!!!! :'(

God, please help me to omit it. Though just a little :(
Give me a chance to meet Irfan Bachdim please, it'll cure a little for this feeling :')

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011


Hello, starting posting about my friends.

Yes, I have a community it's K-SAMOCO! King Starter Moto Community. They're really kind, nice and fun friends, but now.... I don't feel it. They have changed and me too. We have changed sicne BANLI move to singapore. He's like our lead because he's the one who can control us. Since he was gone, ALL HAVE CHANGED! But I don't make it hard, just let it go.

Today, January 11th 2011 I've a problem with my friends, I call it problem but I don't know how about my friends ;") Today it seems like I'm a stranger for them. They don't think that I'm there for them. It seems like I'm they badfriends not bestfriends. I DON'T NEED FAKE FRIENDSHIT!

I want have a lot of friends. REAL FRIENDS! :"(

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


Haii readers *ea*

I've watched some news and it said that Irfan Haarys Bachdim is still our Timnas! I can't describe how much my pleasure! Hahaha. But, PSSI still have to do some selection for Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan if he want to be our Timnas. He got injury on his knee and he said that it'll recover around 2-3 months but Alfred Riedl have to do some selection in 8-30 January 2011. Just pray for Kim :D

Now, Thursday, january 6th 2011 Irfan Haarys Bachdim was went to Solo on around 8.00 with Persema, They'll play fight Solo FC for opening LPI on Saturday, january 8th 2011. WAAAW!!
I wish I'll be there :D but it's impossible!-_- Just pray, I wish Persema be the winner! ;)


Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

I'm back with tears.

Hello, I'm back posting with tears fall down in my face. I HAVE WATCHED THAT NOW, IRFAN BACHDIM IS NOT OUR TIMNAS ANYMORE! :'(

Tanpa mikir2, tiba2 mata gue bener2 ngeluarin air mata. Dan pas berita udah selesai, gue bener2 lgsng matiin tv, ambil handuk lgsng mandi. Abis mandi, gue Sholat Ashar, dan pas selesai sholat, gue berdoa buat semua kegiatan yg bakal gue lakuin nanti,besok dan seterusnya. Terus gue berdoa yg bener2 buat gue itu bakal bikin gue seneng bgt, doanya lo pada gaharus tau yang pasti gue berdoa itu sampe gue nangis kejer bgt, dan karna gue bener2 mau banget doa itu terkabul, gue sampe nazar.

YaAllah, pleasee make my wishes come true. I know I've to wait but please tell me that you'll make it come true :(

I am so weak, but you have to know why am I so weak.

Hallo. I am, Mutiara Aqsha Fitri. A girl who wants her idols know that she really love them, especially Irfan Bachdim, Bambang Pamungkas, Mesut Oezil and Jack Hanafi. She just want them to appreciating her. Aqsha is so weak, she easy to cry just because a little problem.

I'll tell you some things that make her cry whereas it just a little problem. This is it................

1. Mesut Oezil
She ever mentioned Mesut Oezil in twitter and he replied it by DM, she was really happy. Oezil has replied her mentioned 3 times and she was really really happy. But one day, when she has mentioned Mesut Oezil 'til maybe 50 times but he didn't reply it. She thinks that Oezil is so arrogant now. But then she think, who is she? is she Oezil's sister? no. is she Oezil's nephew? no. so she just wasting her time just for waiting Oezil to reply her mention.

One day, she changed her handphone's wallpaper being a photo of Oezil. She stared at the photo and she wanna cry because now, she didn't know how to make a conversation with Oezil and she didn't know from where she'll know more about Oezil. But she knows that she's not a part of Oezil's life :')

2. Irfan Bachdim
She knows Irfan Bachdim 'cause he's our timnas' naturalization. He's so handsome, cute, awesome and cool boy. When Indonesia was be the winner of AFF's semi final, she knows more about Bachdim. She love him more and more. And when Indonesia was lose in the final, she wanna cry but she can't. But when she watched some news 'bout "Indonesia's defeat" SHE WAS CRIED!!!!! And she was cried so loud when she looked Bachdim was crying. Bachdim seems like can't stand with this situation but this's our destiny, we can't change our destiny. God has better plans for us.

Then, one day, she give many mentioned for Bachdim, but....... he didn't reply it. She wanna cry like what she wanna do to Oezil. But back, she thinks it just wasting her times. She has tried to stand, but she can't. Her tears fell down. Her mind don't want to cry, but her heart want. She always think that she's weak. If she has idols, she always put them in her heart not mind. So, when her idols doing something that for her is so make her dissapointed, one thing that she can do just " CRY "

3. Bambang Pamungkas
She's the biggest fans of Bepe. Like always, she has mentioned Bepe, but she don't get what she wants. She has mentioned Bepe almost 150 tweets but her destiny is same like Bachdim. She almost cry but like always she thinks that it just wasting her time. She really dissapointed with bepe 'cause he don't same like what she thinks. She thinks Bepe is so friendly but now she think he's not as same as what she's thinking 'bout. But..... it's not reduce her love for him.

She don't have many things that make her cry 'cause Bepe, she just dissapointed hahaha.

4. Jack Hanafie
She's Hanafie's biggest fans. When the first time she looked him on Television, she was melting. His eyes were so appreciate the song. She's like flying on the sky and don't want to fall down -_-. For 3 weeks she didn't watch his show 'cause......... idk, forget.haha. And when 2 days ago, Jack was on big 5 that jurrors think they (the big 5) was not really good. I wanna cry 'cause I don't know how to see him again. But finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The jurrors said that Jack still can be one of participants in IMB2. She was really happy in that day :D

Now, can you understand why she's so weak? She always cry when her Idols make she dissapointed or make she feel like something is prop her heart and she feel uncomfortable.

And all of that stories, she wanna says something. That's.......

" She always use her heart for everything that she did, watched,read and everything that she wanna do. When her mind don't want to do, her heart seems like force her to do that "

Senin, 03 Januari 2011


First rank in "they're who drives me so crazy" is.............. IRFAN HAARYS BACHDIM

These are some picture of him.

What do you think? ;)

The second is..........................JACK HANAFIE!!
I put the picture besides all of my posts. You can see it if you scroll up ur mouse ;)

The Third is.............................. BAMBANG PAMUNGKAS (BEPE)

These are some photos of him

The Fourth is............................. MESUT OEZIL !!!!

These are some picture of him

Mesut Oezil ;)

hi readers!! I wanna tell u something that really make me look like a silly girl.

Waktu world cup 2010, gue dukung Jerman bgt pas Jerman tanding lawan siapa gitu gue lupa, babak ke2, Jerman ganti pemain, siapa gitu di ganti sama Oezil. Gue mulai suka dan tau Oezil dari world cup itu. Beberapa minggu kemudian gitu, gue bener2 tergila2 bgt sama Oezil, gue cari2 twitternya Oezil and finally I got it. So many mention I've gave to Oezil but he didn't reply it. I'm speechless but I always try 'til Oezil reply it.

Akhirnya gue menemukan suatu ide yg bener2 bawa keberuntungan buat gue! Gue foto dengan tangan gue membentuk nama "OEZIL" abis itu gue jadiin avatar dan gue mention Oezil kaya gini

" @officialOzil23 I just want u to see my avatar, there's ur name over there "

Gue mention gitu ke Oezil banyak bgt, tapi kata2nya beda2. Dan beberapa hari kemudian.......................... HE REPLIED MY MENTION BY DM! Jingkrak2an gue di kasur. Waktu Oezil bales, itu waktu gue bener2 udh tiduran dikamar udah pengen tidur. Tiba2 kebangun lgsng seneng bgttt Oezil bales mention gue.
Oke, berakhir sudah disitu.

Berapa minggu kemudian gue ngetweet lg, tp beda lg nih. Gini tweetnya

" Every time when my friends talking 'bout Germany, in the first I always remember you @officialoezil23 :)"

Dan besoknya......................... dia bales lagi pake DM. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I FEEEL!!!
kembali menjingkrak2 gue dikasur. he replied

@officialozil23 = " Are you sure? Why me? :) "
@mutiaraqsha = " Because you're my favorite football player :)"
@officialozil23 = "Thankyou my friend, may Allah bless you. Happy weekdays :)"

Disitu gue bener2 mention2an sama dia. SEORANG MESUT OEZIL PEMAIN JERMAN YG BENER2 RAMAAAAAAAH!! ♥

Waktu gue mau ulantahun, gue terus2an mention Oezil gini

" 4 days more to celebrate my birthday! I wish @officialozil23 can say 'happy birthday' to me :) "

Gue mention gitu berkali kali, tp gk dibales sama Oezil. Pas gue buka twitternya dia...........emang dia udah gapernah nge tweet lagi. I don't know why. I can't face this fact, but I've to.
I almost cry 'cause I see my wallpaper there's picture of Oezil. I stared at that picture and I almost cry but...... I think it's just wasting my time :( Oezil juga bukan siapa2 gue, kenapa gue harus nangis gara2 dia? :") Hal inilah yg paling mudah gue lakuin kalo gue udh bener2 nge fans sama orang. That's make me look like a silly girl. But I don't care at all.

Done........... ;)