Waktu world cup 2010, gue dukung Jerman bgt pas Jerman tanding lawan siapa gitu gue lupa, babak ke2, Jerman ganti pemain, siapa gitu di ganti sama Oezil. Gue mulai suka dan tau Oezil dari world cup itu. Beberapa minggu kemudian gitu, gue bener2 tergila2 bgt sama Oezil, gue cari2 twitternya Oezil and finally I got it. So many mention I've gave to Oezil but he didn't reply it. I'm speechless but I always try 'til Oezil reply it.
Akhirnya gue menemukan suatu ide yg bener2 bawa keberuntungan buat gue! Gue foto dengan tangan gue membentuk nama "OEZIL" abis itu gue jadiin avatar dan gue mention Oezil kaya gini
" @officialOzil23 I just want u to see my avatar, there's ur name over there "
Gue mention gitu ke Oezil banyak bgt, tapi kata2nya beda2. Dan beberapa hari kemudian.......................... HE REPLIED MY MENTION BY DM! Jingkrak2an gue di kasur. Waktu Oezil bales, itu waktu gue bener2 udh tiduran dikamar udah pengen tidur. Tiba2 kebangun lgsng seneng bgttt Oezil bales mention gue.
Oke, berakhir sudah disitu.
Berapa minggu kemudian gue ngetweet lg, tp beda lg nih. Gini tweetnya
" Every time when my friends talking 'bout Germany, in the first I always remember you @officialoezil23 :)"
Dan besoknya......................... dia bales lagi pake DM. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I FEEEL!!!
kembali menjingkrak2 gue dikasur. he replied
@officialozil23 = " Are you sure? Why me? :) "
@mutiaraqsha = " Because you're my favorite football player :)"
@officialozil23 = "Thankyou my friend, may Allah bless you. Happy weekdays :)"
Disitu gue bener2 mention2an sama dia. SEORANG MESUT OEZIL PEMAIN JERMAN YG BENER2 RAMAAAAAAAH!! ♥
Waktu gue mau ulantahun, gue terus2an mention Oezil gini
" 4 days more to celebrate my birthday! I wish @officialozil23 can say 'happy birthday' to me :) "
Gue mention gitu berkali kali, tp gk dibales sama Oezil. Pas gue buka twitternya dia...........emang dia udah gapernah nge tweet lagi. I don't know why. I can't face this fact, but I've to.
I almost cry 'cause I see my wallpaper there's picture of Oezil. I stared at that picture and I almost cry but...... I think it's just wasting my time :( Oezil juga bukan siapa2 gue, kenapa gue harus nangis gara2 dia? :") Hal inilah yg paling mudah gue lakuin kalo gue udh bener2 nge fans sama orang. That's make me look like a silly girl. But I don't care at all.
Done........... ;)
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